Wendy Wang
With over 10 years of quantitative and qualitative research experience, Wendy is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft AI, focusing on designing the future of AI technologies for consumers. Previously, Wendy was a Design Director with IDEO’s Design for Play where she led mixed methods research with youths around future technologies and experiences that bring delight and foster community. She holds a Bachelors from Harvard College and Masters in Music from New England Conservatory.
Edges explored

Will AI interfere with relationships? Gen Z thinks so.

Earlier this year, Snapchat introduced My AI, a relentlessly cheerful chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT technology. The avatar, pinned to the top of your chat feed, was ready to respond to every passing thought, be your 24/7 rant buddy, or even…your new best friend.
May 31, 2023
min read

Gen Z to AI: Don't kill my creative vibe

AI helped you with your final paper and made your workout plan—why not have it help resolve a conflict between you and your friends, or help you pick your career?
May 25, 2023
min read

Is Gen Z ready to embrace AI? It's complicated.

Screenagers. Digital natives. The TikTok generation. It's hard to find an epithet for those born between the mid 1990s and early 2010s—aka Gen Z—that doesn’t call out a dependency on technology. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume, then, that those between the ages of 12 and 25 would glom onto everything generative AI.
May 17, 2023
min read